THursday night – the view from here

I am a realist.. and given we have no choice . I’m going to remain optimistic.. I’m also enough of an anrchist to enjoy the crazy ride wherever it takes us. from Munich.. It’s a really interesting place to watch the world watch us.. I dont think i spoke to a single person today who did not ask me abotu the election. They are all polite and reserved abotu it.. but everyone want’s to know what happened..

How do I explain soemthing that I can’t even understand …   I just said  to another non-us freind that I am enough of a realist.. that  given we have no choice . I’m going to remain optimistic.. I’m also enough of an anrchist to enjoy the crazy ride wherever it takes us.

How do you say WTF in German ?

night all, night  sam



2 thoughts on “THursday night – the view from here”

  1. was zum Teufel is the direct translation, I believe. I studied German years ago but am rather rusty. Also, I am in the same boat as you with regards to the election. Me and my family can’t believe the results. For us, it was a sucker punch that brought with it a tidal wave of panic and fear. I am disabled, as are two of my children and my Wife is currently looking at possibly being declared the same(she just had a spinal cord stimulator implant installed thanks to the affordable care act and is in the process of being diagnosed with MS). My father-in-law lives with us and is disabled as well so we try to look after him too. Both he and I are former technicians (he was an industrial electrician for many years before having a stroke and now starting to suffer from dementia, while I was just beginning a career as an electronics technician/computer technician/electrician before my own health got me down). We both have a firm grasp of the need for educated people, the value of middle class workers and healthcare, etc. How so many have been fooled by a con artist or allowed so much blind hatred and ignorance to overwhelm them is beyond us. All we can do is keep our heads down, hope for the best and treat each other with compassion and respect. You cannot allow hate to win against love. In time all things change. This is just one change in the path on a much larger journey. All we can do is buck up and keep marching along to see where it will take us.

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