Wednesday night – spontaneous spring

Crazy weather today… It was supposed to be rainy but instead bright sunshine and almost 60°F. That’s a good 40° warmer than it normally is this time of year.
I managed to get some time outside with the dogs while I was on phone calls and it was incredible. I should’ve been out there and shorts except for all of the snow we still have.

The sun was so bright and the roads were so muddy that it really does feel like spring just six weeks too early.

I’m not complaining :-)… But maybe I am. I do miss the cold

i’ve been wearing sunglasses for the last couple of days because right leg still hurting my eyes. Kind of residual from the concussion I got in Germany last week. I love seeing the world through the sun glasses
Everything looks somehow cooler.… But I don’t recommend them for using a computer at 7 PM. I couldn’t figure out why it was so dark LOL

Night Sam, night all
– Me

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