Saturday night – Sam’s point

Really wonderful day here in Ellenville… It’s kind of cool and historical and burned out all at the same time.

We love the house were in and spent a big portion of it sitting in the overheated sunroom soaking in the warmth while it froze outside. It was in the teens this morning.

Diane and I went for a really nice walk around in a band in carriage Trail just a short way from the house. It hasn’t been used since the 30s but it was still easy to find. It’s very surreal thinking about hotel guests going out and horse drawn carriages on this same Row deep in the woods .

Max came over mid day and we made a great lunch and then head out into the cold for another hike. This time to “Sam’s point”.
It’s only a few miles from here. Amazingly beautiful.

Lots of rules !

See how small Diane is?

This fell down . Try to put it back !

The views from The trail work amazing… (And dangerous)

Sam’s point itself was an amazing view over the entire valley. It was the perfect place… Of course… For a SamStione

We were able to walk around most of the way to the famous ice caves… But they were closed due to believe it or not ice

It was OK because it was absolutely freezing with a very very strong wind. We were happy after a couple of miles to have an excuse to go back

From there we went back into town to pick up our old Subaru which is broken down. We moved it to where Maxcys stay. They gave us a chance to look around town a little bit more. Here’s a statue the cities famous for. The boy with the boot. Don’t ask me why

We think the car blew a head gasket… That’s not a good thing. I said goodbye to it just in case that’s exactly what happened. We drove that car pretty hard. I was commuting down to New York then. It has about 160,000 miles even though it looks great

About 830 max came back over to the house we made a great meal. Diane had made in Shalott us back at home and brought them. They were so delicious!

It’s been so great spending the time with Max Langway OK I already fell asleep twice on the couch. I keep forgetting I’m jetlagged. Time for sleep.

Nite sam, nite all
– Me

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