Tuesday night – Redolent

I woke up to the smell of flowers.. actually .. i woke up to the soudn of a bear ripping open our trash can..(seriously !) ..  but then fell back asleep and woe a few hours later to the smaell of flowers

There are flowers everwhere outside.. the ones diane planted, the wild phlox, the trees.. especially the locusts.. the air was think with scent..

i had the word ‘redolent’ stuck in my my mind.. I don’t know if I’ve ever   used it in a sentence.. but I know it generally means ‘strongly reminiscent or suggestive of (something).’.. but I  also know it means “fragrant or sweet-smelling.” ..   the mornign was both..

it was so strong and think it was hard to ru in.. I kept tripping over the smells and getting tangled in them.. it got in my hair and my shoes.   Here are the phlox blooming on our run this morning


I sat down for a long days work in the tower with this locust blooming at me all day. the sweet smell of it put me to sleep twice !


now its abot 25 degrees cooler than yesterday.. but the smell of flowers is still heavy .. it’s oozing under the doors. its in my clothes…

thank you flowers

nite all, nite sam


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