Monday night – labor day

today was labor day.. and that is something I could not bring myself to do.. .. no labor for me.. 

I took the day off reacclimatizing to Vermont, and digging through nearly 1000 emails waiting for me after the burn..


I have uploaded all of my pictures from burning man.. but haven’t had the time to go through therm.. so I’m going to put that off one more day.. I will give instead a quick peek at today’s / unburning  happenings..

the first order of business is to empty eerythign out and shake out the dust from the playa.. its on EVERYTHING


shave off a week of cheek scrubble 


then wipe down everything with vinegar… to neutralize the alkaline sand.. and then sop. to kill the dust.. took hours to go through everything

luckily . we had copoany.. our freinds charles and heather were up from boston visiting. 


they helped us do soem finishing work on the fron walkway.. we were putting down filler stone. 


with the new compass rose installed the walkway is now all but finished 1


ok.. playa tiem is cartching up with me.. thats what 4 hours a night of sleep for a week will do to you.. 


more tomorrow wiht pcitures from burning man.. until then


nite all. nite sam



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