Saturday night – Chanukah – finally

Sitting at home in front of thefire with our dogs.. grateful to be home.

Day started before daen in Munioch.. after only about 3 hours sleep..our building was beautiful in the dark


got my early morening plane and worked the entire 9 hours on trying to get through my email backlog.. looked up long enough to recognize my average location of ‘somewhere south of iceland’.. last trip of hte year I hope.. it will eb nice ot be off of planes for a couple of weeks,. 



was nice ot bve back in the usa for the rest of the year,.. so nice.. I took a picture of my first step back on the continent 



flight from newark back to BYV was beutiful.. including these views of the andorondacks. 




gabe was heare when I got home.. got to light night 5 of the menorah.. ,.  hadn’t been able ot mark chanukah yet\




DIane had shared these pictures of Finn lighting the candles last night.. too cute !!




aroud 6 diane and I leftf or the ibm party.. after a quick suhi dinner we made it to champlain college for the ibm party..


it was so great seeing so many old frineds.. so mcuh catching up. lots of talks of retirements,. !.  it was really fun .. 




ok. jet lag creeping in,.. gotta s,eep.

more tomorrow !

nite all. nite sam



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