Saturday night – cozy

Wonderfully slow day here today.. Spent it starting the season transition for the house. we closed up the pool, started taking summer stuff up to the attic and started bringing winter stuff down..

none too soon.. it’s actually cold here.. we’ve been buzzing aroudn isn seweatshirts and wool socks ..  it’ll be in the 40’s here tonight..  we have a fire goign and are standign aroudn it like it’s the dead of winter..

it’s a far cry from the 111 degree heat from last week at Burning man… !  

No complaints from me.. i love a cozy fire .. 

nite all, nite sam



Friday night – Arts and Sciences

Just back from Munich… good trip. Most fun was a skunkwork Sceince meets Art project I’m helping with with our Munich Department of Wow and our visiting Munich Residents . First we went to Konrad, the local electronics supplier to stock up on parts  


last night we had a pizza hackathon to kick off the project 



We made a ton of progress by the time we all left around 10:30 PM…

I caught a noonish flight back to the US..and got to Burlington around 7. Diane picked me up and we met up with friends at Burlington’s wonderful Art Hop  which kept the art meets science theme going  for me. Bulrigton has so many tlaented artist/makers.. 


glass blowing !


We ran into a bazillion friends .. here’s lucie 

and sumner 


and my pinpal freinds 


great night.. now .. really eager to lie down and sleep.. sounds so good !

more tomorrow


nite all, nite sam



THursday night 0- pics fron burnign man.




friends. so sorry this has taken so long. Here are soem posts of pictures from Burning man..

Let em knwo what you think .. follow the links to see the pics and stories for those days.. Hope you enjoy them !

yikes.. almost 4am.. this took longer to do than I though … More tomorrow from the road

nite all, nite sam\-me



nite all. nite sam -me 


Wednesday night – sleep deprived

this is the fourth time I’ve started to write.. but I keep falling asleep. I fell asleep in a cab today, a restaurant, and under a desk at work   I figure I averaged about 4 hours of sleep every night last week… and its catchng up


rather than risk dropping my computer again… I’lll stop here and promise more for the morning


nite all. nite sam
