Monday night – The east

Spent a very productve day in Berlin.. Started with a great run in the Volkspark.. 


our meetings today when in our fiends studio.. it used to be the computer center for the east german secret police.. the Stasi…  here’s the motor that  carried the secret police between floors !


we had a great lucnh out in in berlin.. on the way there and back I saw many of these gedank steins;.. memorials to the jew who lived there that died in concentration camps. 


after work we all went to a very cool artist collective/hipster hangout called Katerschmaus. It was a vacant lot 10 years ago.. then an inllegal techno venue.. and slowly over time grew into a very cool self evolving village.. 


thsis boathouse on the other side of the river also used to be a squater techno club 


and here are folks living in tents behind an abandoned factory !

here’s the sky at 10 PM during dinner !

beautiful walk ‘home’ to alexanderplatz. 

ok.. feeling pretty sleepy.. so more tomorrow

nite all, nite sam



Sunda night – Berliner

Greeting from Berlin. I’m in the heart of the what used to be East Germany.. now you would never know. it has thme ritzy boutiques as in the west half of this city… but maybe a little of the 1960’s DDR architecture still around


had a nice Vietnamese dinner with friends Michael (not in this pic) Felix and Nadja 


walked aorudn for a bit just to stay awake.. i’m now at 9 hours time lag whcih is making sleep reallly important now. 

Had one last beer and watched a bit of world  cup with Felix and Freshie.. 


but couldn;’t keep my eyes open


headed back up to get soem sleep..


one thign that did happen today is that fir the first time in at least 6 months, i’ve been able to completely clear my inbox !


ow thats a fine day !


nite all. nite sam




Saturday afternoon – east bound

heading to. Germany after a really great va ation with fMily. Lookign forward to seeing soem freinds over there I havent seen in a while. Its strange homw much germany feels a bit like home to me these days

not  much to report on the day.. had a good run .. then headed tot he Itprport in portland. There was a fine mist of rain .. and I liked it.


One thing I did no tice is that So e plumbing errors had prevented my ,ast couple of weeks of. Log pists from being pos ted to twitter or facebook.. so I may do a few back posts now

ok..  ore from the road tomorrow

 Nite all, nite sam
