our wonderful friend Raya flew in today around 10:30. Shawn was here too. so the 5 of us spent the day exploring beautiful Columbia river gorge. It is east of the city and surrounds the columbia river with many wonderful trails and waterfalls. It was deeply damaged last fall bu the eagle creek forest fires. Many of the trails are closed. but we found a few to explore today.. Here’s bridal veil falls.
from there we went to the very crowded.. and very impressive multnomah falls.. Sam and sawyer were once here..
from there we went to latourell falls.. there were upper and lower falls.. far fewer people here.. which was nive.. a beutiful trip
kids right on the edge !!
gabe and I had to go in !
aropund 6 we headed back to portland. Shawn took off for seattle .
we started to show Raya areound SE.
we were waiting for a table at a well recommended resturant (pok pok).. at the bar they owned across the street I tried freind anchovies..
uh.. no..
we couldn’t eat them all, so we took them with us to give to a lucky cat
whic made dianes purse smell pretty funky !
we foudn a cat !
at midnight, diane and I picked up backy and Max !.. the family is now complete (as complte as it can get)
we took them to Cartopia.. bit only one resturant was still open at 1 AM.. we had a crepe
ok.. alost 2:30 am.. and a busy day coming..
more tomorrow
nite all, nite sam