Today was pretty busy with work… I took a break in the middle of the day to go to the grocery store and prep for Diane’s birthday tomorrow. It was strange being out in public… It’s the first time I’ve been anywhere outside the house in almost 3 weeks… (I think)… I went to the Shaws in Waterberry which is rumored to be pretty empty.… There weren’t very many people there. I work gloves and wiped everything down before and after I touched it. But I thought it was here he walking around the store. You could tell they were two types of people: The paranoid ones, and the people who couldn’t care less. It was very strange watching they are dance between the two types of people… One darted away when you walk towards them the other ones pushed you aside as they tried to get stuff. Kind of weird. They were is absolutely no paper products in the whole place. And they were sold out of popcorn. Other than that I was able to find everything I needed. I was only in there a few minutes… And was happy to get out.
Tonight Diane had yoga by zoom. It was a small class… and in the end we didn’t do any yoga because it was so good to actually hear from everyone there.…
After dinner… I hope Diane make her own birthday cake.… Normally we would buy a cake but this is special circumstances. This is going to be an excellent chocolate cake. Perfect thing for my wonderful girls birthday.
One of our few chances to go outside these days is to go for a run. We’ve been trying to mix it up by running Duxbury, Doug way in the river sure. River sure has been pretty interesting because there’s huge amount of beaver activity. We’ve been watching as a beaver… Or a group of beavers… Take down a lot of small trees… Mostly sumacs by the way Nuesky. It’s amazing how quickly they can cut through a tree. We were marveling today at the giant chunks of wood but they’re able to get off and what appears to be one bite.… It’s fun looking At the stumps
This one looks like a guy being held up

One of our neighbor spotted a large beaver just on the Huntington we are Road crosses. He (or She)… Was moving some big logs
I wish I was feeling as industrious and ambitious as these guys
Tonight we had the second extended chin family talent show via Zoom . We had a good showing with most of my nephew a and nieces dialing in. Lots of fun stuff.. dancing , jokes , card tricks , art , 2d printing , house repairs
Out contribution had help from our Quaranteam . Diane , Kyle and hunter and I did upside down volleyball hanging from the yoga slings .. harder than it sounds 🙂
I have to admit I’m getting a little stir crazy… It’s two weeks we’ve spent in the house. Luckily I’m surrounded by wonderful people here……
I got a new New Yorker magazine today… I noticed the cover. It was a beautiful painting of the great Hall at Grand Central Station. The light was streaming in and there was a guy mopping the floor… No one else. I was puzzled by the picture… Then I realized locked in their homes right now. I bet it looks like that. It was a striking image for one of the busiest places on earth.

It reminded me of the day several years ago where I was filming an IBM commercial in that very room. I had to stand there for about three hours in the making of the movie and I swear I must’ve seen 10,000 people. It was kind of an eerie juxtaposition Of memory