Monday night (delayed) – busy beaver

One of our few chances to go outside these days is to go for a run. We’ve been trying to mix it up by running Duxbury, Doug way in the river sure. River sure has been pretty interesting because there’s huge amount of beaver activity. We’ve been watching as a beaver… Or a group of beavers… Take down a lot of small trees… Mostly sumacs by the way Nuesky. It’s amazing how quickly they can cut through a tree. We were marveling today at the giant chunks of wood but they’re able to get off and what appears to be one bite.… It’s fun looking At the stumps

This one looks like a guy being held up

One of our neighbor spotted a large beaver just on the Huntington we are Road crosses. He (or She)… Was moving some big logs

I wish I was feeling as industrious and ambitious as these guys

Stay safe everyone

Nite all, nite sam


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