Friday night – scott’s celebration

This afternoon we have the celebration of scott’s life… It was down at Button be in Vergennes… Right on the lake. Even though the day started rainy… The afternoon was beautifully clear and crisp. (Crisp not a word you usually associate with July)

Dasha and Veronika had spent a lot of effort making this event work. I was super happy to help. My friend Newt had let me an audio system… And a screen. I used the generators projector and we got to show Veronica’s slideshow and play her dad’s favorite music.… I gave a short talk and several other people gave their memories of Scott… He was such an awesome guy… It was great to hear that the theme of brilliance and mischief in everyone’s story…

The event had a really nice feel. After sharing stories everybody got to talk. It was a perfect sendoff for a really great guy…

For the record here’s what I said more or less

(Actually what I said had very little to do with what I wrote down here… But I’m just recording it so I can find it)

hank you..

and express my deep condolences .. , and appreciation for Dasha, Veronika and Thomass , Carol, John, Scotts brothers. hwo meant so much to Scott.. ad cared for him during his illness ..

He loved you all deeply.. we talked about that a lot.

scott was one of my oldest and best friends…

very different people.. united by a deep love of science, technology and mischief

I never have had a friend who had so many shared interests.

Scott was a natural born scientist .. mostly self taught.. with deep curiosity and passion for all types of science and technology.

I spent my career in industry and academia and I can honestly say Scott was one of the deepest thinkers I’ve ever met

Amazing depth and amazing breadth..

dug deep to understand.. read a ton.. and tried things with his hands to make sure he understood

Went back to school get his degree.. I remember him telling me he was worried about keeping up

NO trouble.. IN fact t the top overall engineering student for the last two years UVM…

favorite student of the two most respected and I have to say two hardest professors…

He loved spending time in his basement laboratory inventing elegant devices to explore the secrets of electricity, light, radio waves, and chemistry. ( mostly explosives – brought some.. we’ll give a try)

Scott was extremely generous with his talents and was always willing to help other’s with their projects which allowed him to inspire many other aspiring scientists. He also shared his talents with his many co-workers

* at Lam ,

* the University of Vermont where he was voted to be the top engineering student for his final two years — favorite student of Tony. Dale.

* United Technology Aerospace Systems (UTAS)

* generator

* online forums..

* at UTC>. worked on airplane safety

Last acto of generosity.. He deeply appreciated all the help that many of you gave him and finding homes for a lifetime of equipment . Chem science demos, , physics demos

We were a good team ..For 29 years Scott was the brains of our team . he loved making cool stuff.. and I loved using it to inspire people/kids. Are hard to know exactly how many but the Scott stuff has been in front of tens of thousands of kids at this point…

* chemical magic.. – sodium movie – blew up in neighbors yeards

* electrostatic devices – max story

* marx generators – dropped me in parking lot in Ef

<come to think of it>

* tesla coils – demo

I would often Call Scott I have some strange corner of the world as he would help me debug some piece of equipment minutes before I was supposed to give a talk…

He was always so patient and helpful… I realize now I should’ve called it more when I didn’t need something like that…

We had a chance to talk that through and those last days in hospice and I will be forever thankful with a deep conversations of those last few days

I always Imagined that Scott and I will go all together making weird stuff… Or more appropriately he’d make it and I break it… And we use it to entertain and educate the world together…

Now that’s not gonna happen… But I’m gonna do the best I can’t carry on his legacy…… and suggest we can all do that

Every time we see a spark I’ve got think of him because he let that spark in me and so many other people

Dasha, Veronika , thomas.. Carol, John, Brothers. .. scott loved you.. still loves you.. you can see all the people here loved scott.. we’re all here for you..

I am really missing you Scott… Rest in peace my friend

Note all, nite sam


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