Monday night – Multiple field trips

I ended up on two field trips today… First I rode down to Randolph technical center with my friend Stephan and Sarah from work. We are looking at how beta could collaborate with the Vermont technical centers… Give us lots to think about. Also got a chance to meet my friend Kevin from first robotic so I’ve never met face-to-face

Later in the day Andrea, her partner Taylor and I went over to UVM to visit my friend Sally in the glass lab… And while there we went in to check in on my friend Dave and his progress on this wonderful davenport’s motor. I love seeing these hands-on geniuses at work. It’s really inspiring

nite all, nite sam


Sunday night .. and back

As I said yesterday we decided after hiking from the Notch Road back to our house 5.5 miles that we wouldn’t drive and go get our car instead would wake up on Sunday and walk the 5.5 miles back on Doug Brook Trail. That’s just what we did. Another beautiful hike

Later that night we went to her friend Deb’s for a wonderful meal… Here’s our outdoor liquor cabinet

nite all, nite sam


Saturday night – there ..

Pretty quiet weekend… ‘Dan and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful snow and hike back from the Notch Road back to our house through the duck Brook trails. It was a beautiful 5.5 mile walk… The trailer has such a great mix of trains… I just wished it was blazed better

We got back to our house and decided we wanted to stay put instead of going back and getting the car… We decided we would try to walk back the 5.5 miles from our house to get the car tomorrow…

nite all, nite sam


Friday night – field trip

It snowed a ton last night and kept snowing all day. The Rhoads went great so Finn decided to hang out at our house all day which was fun.… I had a field trip to go to so I drove in to UVM where our team members andrea, abby, abby’s friend julia and I were meeting at the Vermont fablab at the invitation of our team members Shannon… I helped to start this fab lab back in 2012… It was so fun to see how much it’s grown.

Take it vantage of being on campus to go see my friend Dave and the model “davenport’s” motor reproduction that he’s building. This was the first motor at least in the United States and maybe in the world it was packed it in 1836 by Vermont blacksmith Thomas Davenport… David has made this wonderful model For us that actually runs !

I got home in time to join Diane and Finn on the sledding hill behind the house. I didn’t have a huge amount of snow but enough to make it fun and fast

look Like ‘Diane is still just a little taller than Finn… Won’t be long though

nite all, nite sam
