Hmm.. what happened today.. My friend Aaron’s Corn snake ( I think) clementine molted.. Here she is modeling her new skin with our friend Issa
I’m sure soemethign else happened today. .I just can remember what 🙂
nite all, nite sam
It was nice having a real day off..
I spent some time thinking about the real meaning of Memorial Day.. I personally only know a few folks who died in the military.. Adam Mueller down the street who died in Afghanistan, My 3rd cousin who died iwhiel serving in the Israeli Army.. and .. by story only, my friend Aarons friend who died after serving in Afghanistan with Aaron.. That’s the guy he was Abel to say good uy to finally while visiting the temple at burning man
War seem s so senseless.. even so .. I hook the folks on all sides who chose.. or didn’t choose to serve.
Anyone who has lost someone close knows how precious life is.. I believe if everyone truly understood that. wars would stop…
but it probably will need happen that everyone has that awareness at the same time..
if only it could happen.
I spent it wrestling with replacing a pipe joint that had been leaking inside of a walled off part of our house for who know how long. I had to vut into the wall to find it.. and I’m glad I did.. it had been soaking an inaccessible part of the floor for months ? years ?
it wasn’t an easy place to do the repair.. but its done now
We took a post sunset walk down by the river… nice
teh Dame rockets are startign to bllom.. smell so great !
Ahhh home !
nite all. nite sam
Today felt lighter.. middle of a 3 day weekend (4 days for me) .. and a good day yesterday with Same birthday.. I had fun visiting the Fluffy build to get some measurements for the flame effects
then we met up with some other Richmond folks for another walking audit.. this one of our corner of Richmond.. Jonesville. The walks are sponsored wy AARP .. and are designed to asses the walkability of towns.. ours is just not very walkable.. no sidewalks, fast traffic and narrow roads.. but its home !
Fun to be doing our civic duty !
nite all, nite sam
Today would have been Sam’s 30th birthday..
It’s hard to approach days like today . You never know how you are going to feel. Today was a good day. Jen brought us flowers and bagels to start the day. We spent the day remembering our wonderful son … and for me at least, wondering what he’d be like if he were alive today. I do know he’d be kind, fun and full of energy like he is in our memory every day..
Diane made a carrot cake.. Sam’s ultimate favorite and we had it for breakfast with our friends’
Later that day we went to a msmall music festival put on by Fiddle Head.. it included a really good Grateful Dead cover band. Sam would have approved.. when the music got a little too much, we wandered across the road to Champlain vineyards for a few flights of local wine.. they were nice to look at .. 🙂
It was a nice day to spend a hard day.. .. I spent a lot of time that night thinking of sam and looking at pictures.. (there are at least 66 pictures of him and his brothers in our upstairs alone). A
A few days later I had the idea of using google photos to find some pictures of sam on his birthday.. it was so great to see all of these.. I hope you enjoy them !
The y make me smile and cry at the same time ;_-)
Happy birthday my boy.. we love you sooooo much
nite all, nite sam