All posts by johncohn

Monday night – blue garlic

Diane grew so much garlic last year that we don’t really know what to do with all of it. She learned a trick about putting the peeled garlic in vinegar. It doesn’t even pickle the garlic… It makes vinegar taste great. One of the funny side effects that is that the garlic turns bright blue. Can’t taste the difference, but it’s really cool.

Nite all, nite sam


Sunday night – heading home

Wehad a midday flight back to home.. the mornign was nice and slow.. we took a walk with mom over to nicolette island.  We  saw this guy down on the street.. Not sure what that was about,, but it was pretty cool 


Nice being around so much of my dads stuff.. 
miss you man !

so great to see mom loving life here.. shes got so much here to love

More from home

nte all, nite sam

Saturday night – Mama and MIA

Super nice day in MPLS with mom.. Diane and I woke early and watched the beutiful sunrise from moms apartment.. 

Diane and I worked out before mom woke up. Nice slow morning. MLate morning we headed over to Mary and Johsns. Really good to see everyone. THeo is driving and. Jake is almost twice dianes height !

Jake.. who goes by John  at school… had a big honr this year. His high school named its new annual  “Core Values” award after him.. .. and he got to be the first recipient. I knw it meant alot to him.. Super proud of him.. !!!!!

theo showed us his new bedroom decore.. all the hocky sticks he’s broken !

Diane , mom and I decided to hit another museum.. The Minnesota Institute of Art (MIA). I’ve never been.. it’s an amazing museum.. too much to see in one visit. We spent most of our time on modern stuff


Really a wonderful museum !

wwe headed home.. and a bit later our good einds jeff and karen came over. We all walked aroudn the corner for Indian food.. it was a great throughback to all the indian food we ate togeether when we all lived in England in the mid 1980’s

Great day.. more tomorrow !
nite all. nite sam


Friday night – in MSP

Got to moms around 10 last night.. We all went down to the hot tub and steam room.. such a nice place mom lives in !

Diane and I woke ealry and had a good workout in moms buiklidngs excellent gyn,. then walked ot the store for coffeee and flowers. Mom woke a bit later. It was gorgeous outside and in the 40’s .. not what you usually exopect in inneapolis in Jan. We took advantage of the beutiful weather to take a wal outside and inside.. We walked out over the missisippi on a foot/bike bridge acoress from moms.. what a view !

then we took a walk throgih the beutiful but eerily empty Riverwalk buldings connected to moms place.. this was a developers dream .. and old historic buldling with beeutiful interiers.. wonderful office spaces and common rooms and 90 persent of it is empty. Must have been caught in the commercial realestate bust arodn covid.. THere were still cool things ot see.. the edding dress place, an analog synthesizer store.. and.. I think thats about it for retail even with 4 floors of office space. THere’s is a very nice ope coffee house on the first floor called FRGMNT that always seems busy.. lots of folks workig there.. it had a great vibe.. the only humans in this otherwise empty place

Later on I the day we decided to check out soemthing non.of the three of us had seen. We chose the Weisman Museum on the U of Mn campuss about a mile away.. It was in a gorgeous Fran Ghery bulding. The collecttion there was very cool modern art.. lots of it political. 
one of my favs whas a peice by Ghery imself.. called ‘fish’.. made all of plate glass . 
it was inspired by the carp Gherys’ grandmoher kept in the bathtub on the weeks she was making gefilte fish.. how weird is that ?!?!

the rest of the collection was really excellent.  ots of it on the theme of racial jsutice.. 

my favorite peiece was a an installation called Pidicord Apts.,. it looked liek the inside of an old run down apartment building in Chicago that once had existed.. dome of the material was from that building.. but most was new and made to look old. The space was inside a shippoing container (I think). but felt much larger inside due to forced prospective of slanted walls. The walls had doors  that had been the diirs of peoples apartmenta, When you bent over to put your esr tot eh door, your body brokle a light beam.. and a recording started.. in one a barkig dog, on another and argument.. in another the radio playing.. an d so one.. it was really beautifully done,  I kept comign back to it

another  part had a touching  piece about real ads people took out in papers after the civil war lookign to reunite with their familes after emancipation

we spent an hour or so looking through the collection

one peice had three sets of latitude and longitudes on it . .. one turned out to be the artists birth place.. in Hartford CT and the other was in Amsterdam where she studied

the students workign at the museum were super nice.. we spotted one of them on a poster in teh museum.. and he was kind enough to do a reenactment for us !

Time to head back to moms..  

Tonight we went to the  First Friday happy hour.. It was a good chance to meet some of moms freinds in the building.. 

they were super nice people.. and I know they enjoy hanging out with mom

Nice seeign what a great situatio Mom has here. 

nite all, nite sam