I’m getting time lagged from my limited access to internet. I find myself about what happened yesterday, today… Hope it’s OK with all of you.
So.. where was I ? (There’s always that akward transistion) Yesterday.. I mentioned I started with a

The walls of the Kremlin
More of St. Cyrils
Lenin’s tomb again

Built like a brick s**thouse
I then went to the pricy ($32 $US) but yummy breakfast buffet and grabbed some fruit and smoked salmon.

The bus ride to work was quick. We saw a few cool statues on the way.

Kommrad Lenin
A statue that’s being moved because it’s ‘too ugly’ And that’s saying something here
I know I briefly described yesterdays meetings at IBM.They were really productive.. I think this Academy stuff is the most creative and satisfying part of my job right now.. I love meeting folks in other IBM communities. Here’s a picutur of one of the roundtables we had with new employees. These were amazing folks… all were perfectly fluent in English,whip-smart, funny and cynical as hell. Cynicism has been raised to an art form here.. folks have a highly developed sense of irony but they seem to have fun with it.
Some smart new guys at IBM Russia (Note: not all the smart people here are guys.. the lab director is my freind Jen T)

We also met with 4 senior professors from Russian universities. Profs V. Ivanakov, V., Gergel, I Galiamova, S,. Kalinkow. Prof Ivonakov is the dean of Physics and Technology at
The visiting Prof’s
We were introduced as visiting dignitaries.. By title, I’m one of the two most senior folks of our 20 person group which is uber-weird for me. I’m certainly the most immature. Most of the Profs spoke perfect English, but protocol demanded we have a cold-war style interpreter..
The interpretter
it was pretty funny.. the Profs kept correcting the translator… and would start to answer us in English. Then remember and restart in Russian . After the meeting we were able to talk to them informally which was great. Prof Kaliniokow is a world expert in visualization and is really excited about helping kids visualize science and math concepts. I think I’ve found a friend.
We grabbed lunch in the cafeteria in this building. The food was hard to figure out…. But tasty enough…

The gang !
Then back for another couple of hours of meetings. My US-based day-job colleagues started to wake up in late afternoon over here and I dropped into trying to be in two places at once. I do feel guilty for being over here while they struggle back at home.. I need to pay attention to that feeling.. I’m always feeling torn between what I ‘should’ do and what I ‘want to’ do. Anyway….
Around 6 we headed back to the hotel. Last night was our big communal dinner . We went to a traditional
The Russian flag

Special cranberry juice
One of our waitresses
One of my sculptures

Peter the Great and John the Pretty Good
Candle people
A sturgeon
Steve’s Lamb
My Stugeon
A ‘Heart- Sturgeon’ (Billy, thats for you)
The Lady Singers (see the movies !.. they sing beutifully)
My Beer (I added Cranberry juice just for fun)
The Balailika Boys
Joe and Jane
One of the really cool things was the entertainment.. despite the cramped quarters, we had two bands.. the first was two accordions and a balalaika
Reminds me of a an old Yiddish song that I know… Eddie new it too and we started to sing it
Tumbala tumbala tumbalaleika,
Tumbala tumbala tumbalaleika,
Tumbalaleika, schpil balaleika,
Tumbalaleika, frejlech sol sajn.
After dinner, we could hardly move !.. We went once more to

Note the time..it’s 5 minutes of 11PM.. and this is the color of the sky.
We went back to the hotel around