All posts by johncohn

Sunday night – 55555

We headed out just before 7am. I noticed the odometer was about  to hit a magic number 55555 miles !.   

Even cooler is that it happeend right in front of the old IBM buildings that are finally coming down. People may not remember but Endicott was the birthplace of IBM.. wierd to see it being reduced to rubble

on the way home.. we stopped at the Empire Aero Sceinces Museum..  We’d driven by it for several years.. this time we stopped. It was really an amazing  collection and well displayed.. now that I work at an airplane company. this stuff is even more interestign to me  I took way to many pictures !

they had a cool interactive flying model 

one poignant theing we saw was a story about the plane that hit camels hump in the 1940s.. all but one person died .. the surviver lost both leggs and an arm to frostbite. He ended up beign a successful lawyer here in Vermont and lived a long life
the museum actually had a tank that was on the plane.. it was meaningfull to see it.


this also was strange to see:

the drive home was peaceful and beautiful.. got  hioem in time to take a ski from the house.

really nice weekend 1


nite all, nite sam


Saturday night – secret mission in the woods

We had a secret mission today..   A couple of years back,  linda, david , diane and I took a hike at oaklee corners park in tioga center NY.. we came across some weird stuff in the woods..  we found an abandoned car in the center of the  woods.. and a wird clown nailed to a tree nearby. It was very Blair Witch-y

These pics were from March of 2022. 

Today.. our mission was to take a 6 foot skeleton avid had bought  and put it in that car.   We packed up the skeleton, and headed to Oaklee Corners trailhead. LeeAnn met us there. 

we tromped around for a  log time.. I even used the  GPS coordinates of the pictures to try to find the car or the clown.. both were gone 1.. we  are certain we were In the right place, I took measurements and compared them to where  all the pictures were taken..

where did they go .?!?!

we eventually new we’d done all  we could.. and hiked back. tot he car.. 

mission not accomplished.. but still a nice hike !

we put mr skeleton in the car for his (her /) next adventure

Back home for dinner.. Linda and Davidsdaughter Andrea come over. it was sooo great seeing her !

Heading out in the morning.. so said goodbye to everyone. 
they are such gfreat hosts !!!

nite all, nite sam

Friday night – Planet Corning

Great to spend time with Linda , David and Willow … 

Linda had a dress out drying on the porch.. I recognized it immediatly as the dress linda wore as dianes made of honor at our wedding !

One of the motivations to come here this weekend is that Linda and David got tickets to a special production of Mesmerica
by James Hood. It was at the Digital Dome Planetarium at Suny Corning. . THats about an hour and a half from Endicott.    It was pretty cool. The Digital dome was a really comfy dome with planetarium seating.. and soem really good projectors. The production was about an hour of really cool animations projected in 360 degrees wiht cool spacey music.. It was really cool !

It was a great drive both ways.. the SUNY campus was very nice and quiet.. lots of deer

Tonight we went to Fushimi.. one of our favorite restaurants in the area. 

fun withleftovers

great visit with great freinds. 

nite akk, nite sam

Thursday night – joe and Pat

THsi afternoon we headed down to endicott to see dianes brother  joe, paour sister in law pat, t, linda, dave , andrea, and Leeann

always nice seeign these folks 

got my one square of roma’s pizza.. which is part of the traditiono f being down here. 

this place kinda feels liek home by now

nite all, nite sam