The snow keeps coming. We’ve had snow cover for all of Janurary !.. its deep enough now that we can ski from our back door.. out to the feild across the street then over to the rivershore trail.
Jonesville VT.. is now a winter sports destination !
Had a fun meeting this morning,. got to learn to ‘drive’ the new simulator. Happy to see one of the demos that shannon, isa and I built beign used to help tell the planes story.. (this is the one room in the building where photos are allowed 🙂
After work I headed to UVM to watch the public talk form cousin Jon aon Planetary health. He’s helped create the feild of Planetary Health.. it casts climate change as a public health issue.. .He then uses that to cast efforts to combat climate change as making good financial sense beyond their impact on quality of life. He’s a great story teller.. he spent soem of his time laying out the climate challenge.. then talked about how we need to shape our arguments and explanations to the specific audience we’re tryign to reach . why there’s hope.
my personal favorite
john and jean are heading out tommorow.. so it was time to say goodbye.. ut had been a great visit !
Today was a beautiful cold and windy day. Diane and I decided to hike up pineo brook near the adaptive mountain bike trails.. we wanted to explore the sugar bush that runs all the way up the back side of woodard mountain.. the mountain that Bolton ski area is on. We braught skis, snowshoes and spikes.. we oped for the spieks.. turns out in some places the snowshoes would have come in handy.. but it was mostly fune.
we followed the sap lines wayyyy up into the moutains. such a beutiful place to be out in the snow.
here’s the route we took
Great hike !
rebar came over for a little bit in the afternoon . to work on his project for Ben.. which was fun. I’ll show more of that when its done.
as we were workign I got a text from my friends James and Alia abotu getting together tonight for dinner with our freind Mike. We all met at Pho Dang for great vietnamese.
It was my first time meeting James in person. Jame’s son Bishop died in June .(here is his obit). he seems like an amazing person.
Mike knew James from chess. James taught Mikes daughter Tess how to play. He connected us because he figured it would be good for James to talk to me because of Sam.. In a weird coincidence, my friend and coworker Alia was a good friend of Bishops .. We’d all tried to get together a couple of times in the fall. but hadnt made it happen. Tonight was the night
IUt was a really fun. we talked about Bishop, we talked about dads.. food, clamming, music.. I think it was good and fun and sad for all of us..