Today is vetrans day.. so I want to start with a shout out to my dad, hugh cohn
My dad was in the navy,.. I think it was one of the most formative experiences he ever had.. he had so many stories from his time in the service.. I mss those stories !
my father in law gabe mariano..was in the army. He also was proud of his service
thank you both for your service !
Today DIane and I heasded to Zion national park , about an hour away. Want an amzing place. !.. We did an 8.,5 mile hike on the observation point trail.. totally amazing
Pictures cant capture this place !.. we could see the anyon on all sides of us.. Beautiful colors.. crazy geology
Th elight was playign tricks on me.. but I coulsd swear that I was a face in the rocks.. actualy a whole person, a cartoon chinese man holding a lantern.. Can you see it ?
the3 hike was very easy.. so we took it pretty fast. we got back in the time to visit two more places in zion.
first stop was the bottom of the Zion canyon,. we drove the whole length
it was pretty crowded down in the canyon.. so we drove on through and picked up another trail on the western side of the park to catch the sunset
now back at the airbnb.. and planning tomorrow..
love this place ~
nite all. nite sam