Tag Archives: advice

Monday night – advice

I gave a long… much too long talk today to a bunch of smiling new hires at work.. the room was full of them.. all sitting there at the start of their careers. Time is such  a funny thing. . I could put myself exactly in that space.. in fact.. I can clearly recall sitting in that same damn room listening to some geezerly and esteemed senior guy tell me about the ‘old days’.. and there I was.. 30 year later.. playing the geezer.

I spoke far too long today.. but had some fun stories and props.. .As I spoke , i actually tried to listen to the advice I was trying to give.. most of it was not that bad.. … ..make a plan, combine incremental improvement with disruptive change, take a few chances, don’t be afraid to fail, make a name for yourself.. reach out and build a network. What’s not to like in all of that. The thing is.. I ind myself sitting back in my office, not taking my own advice I’m now taking on a new challenge at work.. and as per usual, I’m asking for.. and receiving a ton of advice..How come I’m not able to put it into practice ? Maybe I need to hire someone to give me advice..
Any good advice out there for me ?


nite all, nite sam
