Tag Archives: backing in beijing

Wednesdayish evening – baking in Beijing

Greetings from one of the biggest cities in the world. I’m here in Beijing doing a mix of technical vitality and customer meetings. It’ll be a short trip, but i don’t mind.. I love coming here.. And the of shift hours and long flights are conducive to getting lots of working and thinking .. and even thinking about working done . In fact.. I got on the flight around noon and with the exception of one break to stand up, 2 quick meals and about 30 min of sleep, i worked the entire time.. almost 13 solid hours.. and it felt good..  I didn’t really feel like id’ left home at 4AM.. but here’s proof (see the clock and beautiful wife ? )

I had some nice and nerdy seat mates. one of whom had even brought a compass to see if he could figure out when we’d crossed over the pole..


I arrived a little sleepy, but refreshed., or as refreshed as someone can be when it’s 95 degrees and humid.You could even see that it was hot an humid as we landed

Peter met me at the airport and took me to my hotel.. (an hours drive through tough traffic).. I spent a few more hours working..

Then I took a run on some of the side streets.

It had cooled down to about 90 and humid, lots of cars and wicked bad smog… the sun looked like fall the air was so red .. .

but as soon as I ducked down the side streets, the mood changed

These streets held all the embassies. I saw nigeria, camaroon, Switzerland, sweden, denmark, madagasgar, cpmgo, libya, iran, arentina

even got a picture of the libyan embassy before I was shoed away by the guard..

and this trick shot of the iranian embassy

this part of the city ir really pretty !

no sure he’s supposed to be swimming.. but it looked nice with the heat !

and this guy was fishing !!!  what kind of stuff would be in that river ?

the run back home took me by some curious stores..

now I’m meeting my firend JY for a quick dinner.. then I’m coming back for soem much needed sleep.
more rom here tomorrow.
nite all, nite sam