Tag Archives: Beary !

Sunday night – Beary !


Greetings from my folks home in Sherborn MA. You know your parents love you when you arrive at their home and find your 54 yer old childhood teddy ear (Beary ) with a cheerful welcome sign sitting in your bed.. hugging him now).. you’re never too old to visit home.




Got down here around 8:30 after a nice slow day at home. Max and Jac were still up visiting..We took a nice hike up honey hollow in the steamy afternoon..


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We were surprised to find a microwave that had comeout on the wrong end of a gun fight up in one of the mountain streams near the trail head.. we fished it out and brought it home to through away.. it had been shot several times.. bad popcorn.. I’m guessing..

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We had a nice lunch which diane ended with home made cantaloupe and black pepper sorbet.. it was amazing !



max and Jac left for the bus .. and I left for Massachusetts.. but not before max and I shared a toast of the fine rum he’d gotten me for fathers day.. since I was driving.. I only had a spoonful.. but it was a very  delicious spoonful !



Drive down was fast.. .. i noted our cr passing 88.888 miles.. nice.. and a spectacular set of rainbows.. (though Reuther never as good by camera, i know )

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Ma and pa fed me a great dinner.. sushi, hummus, enchiladas..  and apple torte..  eating here is always fun and eclectic.. IMG_1249


Dad and I did what we always do.. start talking then both fall asleep.. it feels like old times when we do 🙂IMG_1250


ok. early work tomorrow.. gotta sleep.. more tomorrow

nite all, nite sam




ps. happy solstice !!!.. forgot to say that the other day.. and watch out for the super moon and king tide !