Tag Archives: blowing up cupcakes

Wednesday night – blowing up cupcakes

Glorious day.. I spent most of it working in my lab building stuff..   The hilight of the day. however came a few minutes ago. Gabe decided that we should explore food ballistics.. We just spent a very pleasant hour blowing up nasty ‘little debbie’ choclate cupcakes.. We didn’t use anything fancy.. just good ‘ole american junk food.. and some of our abundant store of fireworks.


It was cold out.. so we decided to do it in  the garage … with Diane’s encouragement .. … We had two cameras going.. our big slr and my little blogging camera.. That little camera happens to have a 60 frame per second ultra slow motion mode. .. perfect for culinary demolition..
Here is test number 3.. I just barely got out of the way on tests 1 and 2.

You know … I really got the perfect family for me. .. I’m very thankful for that..
nite all.. nite sam