Tag Archives: borges

Tueday evening – borges

Woke today to better weather.. We packed up and left our nice hotel in Iguazu.. My camera has not really survived the trip.. the viewfinder is out.. and the pictures are still fuzzy.. or maybe it’s gabe who’s fuzzy.. We made our sleepy way to the airport only to find a nearly 2 hour delay on our flight *Aerolineas strikes again !)

We finally got on our flight and had an uneventful flight back to BA>

First oreder of bysiness in the hotel was to air out our wet and dirty laundry.. yesterdays deluge has our clothes all damp and smelly..


We hung them in the window to dry.. and then noticed you could see them from the street..  !

Gabe took me on a nice tour of his old haynts.. we walked to teh subway (Subte.. prounounced soup-day)


and headed down to gabes old school and favorite deli for a quick lunch




Here’s Gabe’s school


And across the street the ‘American Deli’.. nothing American about it.. great empanadas though !!

From there we took a long walk back on the Florida pedestrian street.. the other night it was deserted. but during the day it was packed !

Then we stopped at gabes favorite ice cream shop.. dulce do leche and chocolate.. yum !!

We were eating there when Diane texted me to tell me about the earthquake on the east coast.. Wow !..

Did anyone see any damage ? Sounds like it was a big one !

On the way home we wandered into a large upscale shopping mall.. we climbed to the top story to find a set of art galleries named for one of my favorite writes jroge luis borges.. .who’s from BA. He was one of the worlds great authors of metaphysical mysteries and psychologically dark and twisting short stories.. (The Aleph, The Zahir. and my favoriteTlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius.. a story abotu folks writing a complete encyclopedia of a made of place.. just to mess with people..


Gabe and I then came back to the hotel and both fell asleep for a couple of hours.. we’re both pretty road weary.. We’re meeting hannah B ronight for dinner at 10L30.. so we better start waking uop.

TOmorrow we head home.. it’ sbeen fun !


nite everyone.. note sam
