Tag Archives: Boston down and back

Monday night – Boston down and back

Drove down to boston just to record a short video for a work project.. Lots of driving, but fun nonetheless.   OI spent the way down on friend/work calls (glad to say the two are mostly mixed).. had a nice evenign with my folks.. then back by 4PM.. without missing a work meeting. Not much to report on my day except for one very cool weather event.. Around sharon vermont the sky durned dark grey and my car was pelted with marble zied hail.. it was lie being inside a trash can while soemone hammered on it.. I had to hang up the phoen since I could no longer hear.. THe sky was streaked with coud to cloud lightning that was so dramatic, everyone’s btake lights came on with ever strike. The whole thing lasted less than 3 minutes.. and by the time it had passed .. the 91 degree air befor had becoem 68 degree air !.. Wowo…

Only wish it had stayed cool.. !


more tomorrow.

night all, nite sm
