Tag Archives: clutter

Friday night – clutter

The funny thing about blogging is that it drives every day to the resolution of a theme word.. . Every day I search the air for an anthem… an impression.. a scent of something that can be summed up in one or two pithy words in the title line right up there ^^^. it’s more than just a literary exercise.. naming a day can.. for better or worse… define it. Today’s word is ‘clutter’ ..(the house is clean.. I have to admit) but I walked over to my lab.. what did I see ? Clutter.. I went to my office.. there again: clutter.. I looked at my calendar .. and there’s time clutter. By the end of the day.. my head was swimming in it. All of that, i have to admit.. is par for the course. But, what really set the tone of the day was my new Facebook homepage. Like many folks. been pushed over to the new Facebook ‘timeline’ homepage. I just hate it.. it’s so cluttered !.. Too much stuff to look at,, too many things going on.. it reminds me of the old Myspace days..

Makes me long for the monochrome clacking of the teletype.. ahhh those were the days..

nite all, nite sam