Tag Archives: cold!

Monday night – brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Woke this morning at 5:30 when the automated school cancellation system called to tell us that school was canceled due to weather related problems.. Gabe was already off for the day.. so.. they woke us up for no reason … ha !  Diane went downstairs to find the temp outside at -25 degrees F (-32 C) .. I came down an hour later and it was still -24 F.. (note.. that’s not a decimal point in the photo)..
I walked outside in my PJ’s and took a deep breath .. what a feeling !.. The air is sharp .. like inhaling steel .

Diane and I tried a few cold weather experiments.. the one that worked was throwing a pan of boiling water in the air.. It turned into steam before it hit the ground.  ! (Isn’t science wonderful ?!)

By the time I drove in to work it was already warmed to -18F.. almost tropical !..

Got home to find that neighbor John had dropped some ice cream by the house. He put it on the back step.. no worry about it thawing.. I  tried to pour a glass of wine from the front hall.. oooops .. frozen solid.. I’m now thawing it by the firs..

I love the cold.. I can’t get enough.. I’ll take this over 90 degrees and humid any day.. I love where we live .

hope you do , too !

nite all, nite sam,

-me !!!