Tag Archives: Dads

Sunday night – Dads

Uh-oh.. looks like my post last night did not go out… and was eaten by my computer. I’ll attempt to recreate it here…


Happy Fathers day folks.

Today was our first Fathers Day without our Dad’s.. Dianes Dad, Gabe, and my Dad Hugh both passed away in the past 6 months. We were thinking of them today…


I can stil here my Dad’s voice all the time..  I miss him deeply these days..  I talk to his picture all the time. He was my measure of what a Dad should be..  I think he taught me well.



Diane’s Dad Gabe was a gentle and kind soul. .. I loved him very much.. .. and he sure loved his grandkids..


My own dance with Fathers day and other ‘Hallmark holidays’.. is complicated.. They can be sad since Sam died.. but usually its more the thought that’s sad.. the actual day goes just fine.. just like most days.

Today I enjoyed hanging out with my sons … and missing one. . Max is up.. which is a nice gift ! We did a little ‘making’ which always makes me happy

Sunday night - Dads

Sunday night - Dads

My Mom is also up.. which is nice.. She took us all to ‘Single Pebble’ for a fathers day feast.  I wore my Dad’s clothes.. .. hist boots, pants, belt, shirt.. I may even have been wearing his boxers.. but.. i’m not so sure on that.. He left big shoes to fill !


It was a good day.. Hope all you Dad’s out there had a good day as well..

Happy fathers day everyone…


nite all, nite sam
