Tag Archives: Days of Awwwwwww

Monday night – Days of Awwwwwww

Tomorrow night marks the end of the days of Awe.. the 10 days between Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur.. its supposed TO be a time of reflection about the past year and intention setting for the coming year. I guess I have been reflecting.. mostly about how much busier i let myself be than I want to be.. I do it at the cost of health, happiness, well being, friendship, love.. peace.. I’m trying to refine my resolve to be less mindlessly busy in the coming year.. I hope I can make it happen..

I’m writing from Maxs boat. but max just had to leave for work.. he’s practicing being overly busy too.. i think i taught him that.. unfortunately.. It is wonderful seeing him and Jak ..

Not much else to report for the day other than I had the pleasure of dropping in briefly to a workshop given by Dave Cuartielles, one of the 4 founders of the arduino project.. I wish I could have stayed longer.. but work has me too busy to play..

It was nice bring on the Pratt campus briefly .. brought back good memories.. and a few sad ones.. heres the room I stayed in stayed bringing max back to school a few weeks after sams passing.. That was one of the loneliest and saddest nights of my life there.

it was fun seeing the Yid culture around this part of the city. Rebbi Simcha here is a friend of Max’s

This was the workshi that David C was teaching with Evrem, an Urban studies prof visiting here from Turkey.

back at the boat, max was taking some underwater photos  for a project with a (hopefully) waterproof Ipad case

Jak and I went to Home Debot for lumber.. it was full of Chassids !

OK.. too tires to stay up any more.. talk tomorrow..

nite all. note sam



ps. Here’s a picture of me and bruce from last night.. he’s such a great guy !