Tag Archives: Dents

Monday night – dents

It’s funny what can bring back a memory. I worked from 8 to 6 today with only a 15 minute brake, it wasn’t a bad day.. Just a busy day. When I stood up finally at 5:50 I realized I had time to make dianes Monday night yoga class. Usually I skip Monday and take her meditative Tuesday night class. The Monday class has too many down dogs for my liking.. Still , I was feeling a bit stiff from my date with scythe yesterday so I spread out my mat and started to bend.. I always set up in the back of the room so I have the walls for company and a window to stare out during the parts I space out on… Today we were doing some sort of floor move when I caught site of the dents in the floor. Well, not in the floor actually, they were in this black foam mat that covers the back quarter of the floor. We got that mat to protect the floor from Sam’s band practices . They would always set up the drums, mikes and amps on those mats.. The thousand of tiny dents in the mat each correspond to a mike stand or a cymbal or a drum…


I don’t know what I was supposed to be doing.. But I just lay there and stared at those dents. I ran my hand over them trying to remember the sound of those bands.. Usually metal .. High speed drums, shouted lyrics… Loud , angry and really fun. Sam was in his element whien playing whether it was drums.. His usual.. Or bass or guitar. I actually started crying a little as I tried to grab my left foot with my right hand in some sort of contortion we were doing …
The moment past land we we standing agin.. But part of my day is till there laying on the floor up there

Nite all, nite Sam