Tag Archives: DIME time

Friday night – DIME time

It’s been a funny day.. full of forgetfulness.. gabe forgot his shoes, diane forgot her purse.. and I forgot that the mike gordon show was sunday not tonight. I was in the car this evening about to drive to the show when colin reminded me that I had the day wrong…

too much on all our minds maybe ?

Great afternoon and evening though. My friend Charles is up from MIT to a work on a combined work/hobby project called DIME. We’re doing this as part of the  SmartAmerica challenge  that’s being sponsored by the Presidential technology fellows from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Our team is composed from folks at Montgomery County MD, UC Irving, Schenider Electric, IEEE, Sigfox, MIT , Twilio and IBM . We’re looking at how an open data hub (which we call DIME)   can help governments like Montgomery County can run better and take better care of its inhabitants

After several months of group calls and power point, Charles and I decided we were goign to do a few days of hacking and actually build something . We’re trying  to show how a open data broker can help integrate a variety of sensors and applications using IoT  standards like MQTT and XMPP. It’s very timely because that’s exactly what I’m working on now at work. In fact.. I’m using soem of the code techniques we’ve been pulling together for an IoT Hackathon I’m helping organize at the end of the month.. very good practice for me !

Here’s an architecture we’re working towards

So far its been a blast. ! We have an architecture and code already running. Our first project is to link an air quality sensor to DIME by way of mqtt over wifi from a raspberry pi.



we now have the air quality data data streaming to our phones. tablets and laptops.. here’s charles testing the air quality sensor

here’s the data on my phone

on my laptop


on charles laptop

and combined with geolocation data from my iphone


not bad for a nights work !.. More on this tomorrow !

nite all, nite sam
