Tag Archives: dog bed

Wednesday night – dog bed

Spontaneous party at Chez Cohn tonight. I got home to find the house pretty full of people for no particular reason. You know it’s a good party when you find yourself asleep on the dog’s bed awakened by tour own snoring..


Here’s Pat cooking a pineapple reduction for some reason or other


and lots of others

capped off by too much icecream.. we are up to around 60pints in the household.. help !!!


Not much else to report for the day.. ..it’s day 3 of my broken emaill.. still the peace of disconnectedness prevails..  the low point was having to get a hepatitus shot with gabe gfor our up coming treip.. theymade me carry the syringe up stairs to get the shot.. cruel and unusual f you ask me..


the high point was hanging out with gabe an wathching his mad gas saving skills. He today topped his own record and nursed the prius to over 60 MPG in sustained driving.. he’s the prius whisperer !


ok,, I’m strating to nod off. more tomorrow..


nite all, nite sam
