he It’s been a tough sad and uplifting day. Dylan’s memorial was this afternoon at Bolton Mountain.. I was both looking forward to it and somehow dreading it. I vividly remember my state of mind going in to Sam’s memorial.. I was so sad.. and felt it was so unfair..that we had to have this huge gathering about sam.. without sam.. .I remember also being so gratified that so many of our freinds and family came out to support sam and the rest of us.
I could only imagine how it felt to Jim and Sue coming there today. So many folks had put their hearts into organizing this event for Dylan. I got up there at about 11 to find the place already buzzing with friends and family setting up for the gathering.. The folks at Dylan school, CVU, had graciously volunteered to handle the A/V.. they’d set up screens and audio upstairs and downstairs to handle the large crowd we expected.

one group of folks put Dylan’s pictures all over the both floors of the lodge.. It was nice seeing them all

We also put out lost of organ donor information.. that was a major theme for the day

some folks helped us put Dylan’s self portrait (in ductape) in ach of the mmemorial programs

Diane and I had to take a short break to talk to Natalie, the reporter for Fox news.. She was great.. she asked us all about the organ donation process. We love gettign the chance to get the message on organ donation out to the public.. and we appreciate her help in doing that.

THe service started at 1:30 every square inch of the bolton lodge was jammed with people.. upstairs.

Dylan’s family was up front..

the back of upstairs.

The bar

Even downstairs

I counted abotu 180 cars.. that makes me think that ther ewere upwards of 600 folks there today.. and that doesn’t account for the number of kids that came by bis..

here’s one of our avortie smiltng faces.. hannah and dave

Zach Hoag was the leader of the service. He was all the kids first snowboard coach.. then he left to start his own ministry.. he was the prefect choice to lead the service.. and he did a really great job

Gabe was abotu the 3rd seaker. he did such a great job,. spoke right from his heart, told soem funny Dylan stories.. and told everone how much Dylan would be missed. I was so proud and so sad for Gabe,..He’s really missing Dylan and will forever.

many folks spoke including Dylan’s grandmother.

his friend Ivan

his girlfriend jasmine.

Dylan’s brother Dustin and his friend Evan played some great music.

After the comments and the music, Zach did a nice closing.. then a moment of silence. then finally a huge round of applause for Dylan..
Afterwords, folks were welcomed downstairs for a potluck.. and/or outside for a rail jam competition . 
the rail jam was jun and drizzly.. with a great jump at the end.. Ralphie and Luke managed to build the park from rails that belonged to CVU.. one of the parent had allowed them to use his flatbed to drag the rails up to the park.. The kids really had fun on them tonight

by about 5L30 things were winding down.. we helped clean up.. then headed home..
after a quick dinner, Dane and I went back over to the peteres.. THey’d just gotten soem frozen steaks in the mail.. so we took the dry ice packing to make mad science drinks.. here’s Sue’s brother showing his magical tendencies.

and finally.. a toast for dylan !..

it’s been a long and tough day.. but I feel somehow comforted and at peace.. today’s gather really helped me..as I’m sure it helped many..
OK.. I need to slep now..
gnite all
Gnite sam, gnite dylan… good luck and fly free !