Tag Archives: early to rise

Friday night – early to rise

I just realized that I’ve been up before 6 AM every day this week for one reason or another. On Monday it was jetlag. On Tuesday it was an early morning call with India on Wednesday it was to go climb Bolton with  Diane.. on Thursday it was another call.. and this morning I woke up because I had so much on my mind.   I was out running before the sun came up completely.

I’m not really an early morning guy.. if I’m up in the AM range it’s because I haven’t gone to bed yet.. It’s funny having seen the sun rise all week.. I can’t say that I enjoy being up so early.. but there’s something to be said for startign work a little earlier.. I feel a little less lazy perhaps.. and a little more groggy come 3 PM


i’m feeling REALLY groggy now.. so I think I’ll leave it at that for tonight… maybe I’ll actually get a full nights sleep…


nite all. nite sam
