Tag Archives: Erev rosh Hashona

Sunday night (late) – Erev Rosh Hashona

Shana Tova everyone. It’ the start of the Jewish New Year.. I’m down at my folks home in Sherborn MA to see my folks and my aunt Sis and uncle Phil and to celebrate the new year.. I’ve never been very religious.. at the same time, i do enjoy the ritual of doing something that my ancestors did. it’s 5773 by our reckoning.. a long time to be celebrating anything..


We spent the evening hanging out.. tomorrow we’ll head to shul in the morning.

My mom cooked a really nice meal and we sat around and enjoyed the company..

The meal included 3 kinds of matzo ball soup.. normal with chicken.. for ma, pa and phil

vegi for me

and gluten free for sis.. now that’s service !

we also had gefillte fish.. not exactly the right holiday.. but I’m not complaining.. i like the stuff.. another guilty pleasure

finally we had apples and honey.. the traditional thing you eat on Roh Hashona..  it’s to give you a sweet new year !

it’s a sweet new year for me already. My friend Bruce called tonight to tell me that our friend Jim is now semiconscious and can respond to voice commands like ‘wiggle your toes’ . Its great news that he can hear an respond. It’s also pretty funny because it’s the first time that anyone can remember Jim following orders on anything ! 🙂 Seriously.. its’a great sign that he’s recovering.

after dinner folks took turns telling me how much I looked like my great grandfather (ok.. i sort of do)

and fooling wiht the huge bowl of reading glasses I found

and hanging with the mishpokhe (משפּחה)  which i roughly yiddish for your homies.

i wish you all a sweet and happy new year..

shan tova all..

nite all, nitesam
