Tag Archives: Essential

Wednesday night – essential

Finally, aboard my flight home dafter an hour an a half delay.. I won’t get home until after 1.. A long but fruitful couple of days. Today woke to the gentle rocking of the boat.. Showered and got on the road.. A little late which exposed me to what NYC traffic can really be like I had left an hour an a half for the 40 minute drive and took an hour .. Not too bad. I spent the entire day at our Watson lab which is always fun and humbling . So many smart people walking the halls. I spent every second of today either meeting with folks or in phone meetings.. Didn’t even get time to eat.. But I out knowing more than I went in with, so I was happy.
One of the high pouts of the day was an odd but fun webcasted panel session with 3 of my friends.. My friends weren’t the (only) odd part of it.. It was that the 4 of us were sitting in Chris at the front of a large but entirely empty auditorium. The topic was a fun one.. We were talking about what it takes for a company to be ‘essential’. Its an interesting topic .. And a hard one to pin down.. Afterall, It’s not something you can say about yourself.. essential is in the minds of the beholders Still, it was fun to toss some ideas back and forth with some old friends..

So….What do you all think makes a company essential ? What companies do you think are essential ? What problems would a company have to solve to be considered essential ?
Id Like to hear what you think..

Oh.. We’re landing.. More tomorrow.

Nite all, nite Sam

Now, my company is not saying that we are essential .. We recognize that Thats something other folks have to say about you.. But.. We were discussing what it would it