Tag Archives: Finn’s party

Saturday night – Finn’s party

Our big outing  today was to help Finn and hs family celebrate his 5th birthday party with a big science show . We all met at the hinesburgh school.. on a cold and windy day

The kids loved watching their hair stand up on when they were hooked to the VanDeGraf.. it was a perfect day for static electricity .

Then we all rode around on my electric cart.. it was so crazy fun !

Then we made GAK.. white glue and borax.. yucky fun !


next came volcanoes big and small.. first vinegar and backing soda ones


then a bigger ‘elephants toothpaste” one using app hydrogen peroxide and  yeast

finally came the ice cream.. we used almond milk which worked pretty well !!! It was delicious !

finn blue out the candles, then i put in a little liquid nitrogen to make the volcano cake really smoke !

what a fun  mess !!

Happy birthday Finnegan !


noite all, nite sam
