Tag Archives: happy birthday grandpa gabe

Saturday night – Happy birthday Grandpa Gabe

Happy 77th birthday Grandpa Gabe..  (It’s also Max’s Girlfriend Jac’s birthday.. as well as Neil Young’s and Charles Manson’s ) Diane’s dad is 77 today.. we’re down in Endicott to celebrate with him.  He’s such a great guy.. kind, gentle and smart. He’s been a machinist for 60 years and has taught me much over the past 30 years. After a peaceful and lazy day, Diane’s brother Joe, is wife Pat  came over for Chinese food and cake .. It was really nice all being together..

As a joke we got Gabe 7 lottery tickets as a birthday present.. With our Gabes lucky touch he won 53 dollars ! I didn’t think people really won these things !

THis is the first time I’ve been down to Endicott since the terrible flooding they had in September.. Marcia and Gabe’s basement was destroyed and had to be comeplety orn apart.  The small neighborhood they live in (West Corners)  was hit so badly that it made CNN !

Driving around today even months later it is stille asy to see the destruction

Gabe and I went running on the flood wall this afternoon and saw the water line from the flood.. it was 1 foot from crestign a 20 foot earthen damn. if that had given way  the destruction would have been even worse !

It’s good to see Marcia and Gabe and their neighbors getting back to normal.. though the town will take a long time to recover..


OK.. time to watch scooby doo ! (we don’t have TV at home.. so I catch up when I visit here.. .. and Sam loved scooby doo:-)

note all, nite sam
