Tag Archives: Happy birthday Maximus

Tuesday night – Happy Birthday Maximus

Happy brithday Max. My son Maxwell Mariano Cohn is 26 years old today.. He’s such an amazing, loving, smart  and funny kid..



He came upf or Gabes graduation and stayed for his birthday. That was a great treat for all of us.

We celebrated Max’s birthday with a Hike up T Mansfield. It was hot and buggy, but fun anyway !  >.

We met mr tree-swallowsign..

cooled our head ina tiny waterfall

stopped by butler lodge

then scrambled up racks to the top. some of it was o steep that it freaked me out

We took the ‘Wampahufus trail, gabes favorite.. we’ve always caused it the ‘Wampahupus’.. i like that better

Soem tight spaces to squeeze through

gabe and max did a little cave exploring

then we were on top of mansfield !

a quick snack then down again

We got home around 6:30/ I quickly showered the ran off to pick up the present that Gabe and I had made.. We’d taken it to  from Geoigi..at Yankee Tattoo who helped us by adding the Kevlar wick ..

I brought home sushi and we had a feast.. then we had cake.. and candles..

then Gabe and I gave Max the gift we’d made. It’s a flame wand for fire breathing and othe r fire art.

.. it’s made of three rods of 1/4 inch steel . Gabe and I welded them together at one end, then used the oxy-acetalene torch to twist the three rods .. then we clamped a samstone in the other end..

Georgi sewed on a 2 inch kevlar wick..

Max really seemed to like it

Max, gabe and I ended the night bby makign a rocket. this time we tried dding a little Ferro-titanium powder to the sugar/ KNO3 . We wanted to get a visible trail of sparks. and it worked fantastcally. Max made these three short vids about the process. i really like them

nice way to end the visit..

now.. i gotta sleep

happy birthday my son.. we love you so much !

nite all. ntite sam