Tag Archives: help to help

Friday night – help to help

Ever since Wednesday I’ve been getting a ton of email, LinkedIn notices and Facebook messages from friends who were effected by the resource actions in my company. For some, this is the start of retirement, but for most, these folks are looking for ways of applying their technical skills in some other way. they are asking me.. and I’m sure many others.. if i know of places that need folks with good engineering, science and math skills. Most of these folks will want/need to stay in vermont. This is where there families anre and where their kids go to school. Vermont is a very small place which is both a curse and a blessing.. A curse because there’s not a huge amount of other industry up here.. but its small size is also a blessing. We are so tightly connected up here that i’m hoping folks can network there way to a new career.

I’m hoping that if you’re reading this, you can help me help some of these folks out.. Do you know of anyone who’s looking for electrical engineers, or programmers ? These are all very bright folks with strong technical skills.they have  very strong math skills, some have strong business skills. All are hardworking.

If you have a lead on job openings anywhere in the area, please let me know so I can steer some of these folks in that direction. If you’re out there and are lookign for a person with a specific set of technical skills, let me know and I can canvas the folks I know to find you a good match..

I know that it’s going to be hard to match everyone up here with  a job ..   but I need to find some way to help.. even helping 1 or 2 o these friends would be great Let me hear from you if you know of oppertunities

nite all, nite sam
