Tag Archives: hike for sam

Monday night – Sam hike

Today was memorial day.. it was also the closest non=-work day to what would have been  Sam’s 22nd birthday which will be Wednesday. We did our traditional hike up to the top of bolton . We had about 20 folks join us for a cool and misty walk up to the top.

We had a bunch of dogs with us including Raya’s new puppy Kota.. he made it all the way up and down…

There was even some snow at the top..

Gabe and I climbed up the fire tower to do our annual sam ceremony.. which involves drinking red bull and firing off some fireworks.. Thats always pretty nuts in the wind on that shaky tower.

Baby Franchesca .. age 3 weeks also took her first hike with mama Vernigue and dad Matt.

We all did a redbull toast for Sam at the top

Then down the hill and back to our house.

It started raining just as we got home.. be we still had fun. Gabe made these wierd hot dog wrapped in cheese wrapped in hamburger wrapped in bacon.. really ?

rain didn’t keep people out of the pool or tramp..

there was a kid there that wanted to blow something up.. but i didn’t want to make noise.. so we did an ammnium bichromate volcano.. one of my favorite daylight demos.

Around 7L30 we had another redbull toast for sam and dug into two cakes that diane had made.. including carrot.. sam’s favorite !

It was a really nice day…


It would also have been my folks 57th anniversary


Thinking of him, my mom…

Life is full of joy and sadness..   i’m feeling more joy now

-nite all, nite sam
