Tag Archives: hysteresis

monday night – hysteresis

man it’s cold.. it was 24 degrees as I drove home from the city today.. I was laughing as I shivered.. as 24 degrees is going to feel a whole lot like spring next april. This time of year everyone is bundled up as the temperature dips below freezing.. come next spring, we’ll all be out in tshirts and shorts in the same weather.. in my business we call that hysteresis .    I love the cooler weather this time of year.. I never get tired of it… I’ll take it to the heat any day.   I tested my cold tolerance this evening. on a tower 4 stories above church street  in BTV . my friend is  working on a building project  up there.. it was great standing up there and looking down on church street… with no guard rail !

I was downtown for a dinner meeting of the organizers of the Champlain makersfaire.. we got together to celebrate our success, share our observations and plan for next years event. These are some of my favorite folks..

ok.. a hot bath is calling for me.. more tomorrow..

nite all.. nite sam
