Tag Archives: i kid you not

Friday night – i kid you not

Blissfully little happened today.. I need the down time.. I kid you not.… (Diane and I have been hearing that phrase.. ‘i kid you not’ all over the place these days.. not sure why. Isn’t it strange when you start to hear the same thing time and time again ? )

Today was simple.. a morning full of meetings then a great working lunch with my friends Jeff and Colin from UVM. We’re scheming on using UVM students to help build something cool to attract folks the Echo center..

Then more meetings in the afternoon.. around 4 o’clock no one was around anymore…. I guess because of the holiday weekend  so I walked outside.. and promptly fell asleep on the skate ramp.

Gabe  had a lacrosse game at MMU at 5.. it was a beautiful evening for sitting on the hill and watching MMU win (12 to 1). Gabe had a good game. After the game we headed to Bridge Street for dinner.. as did many of the other kids and parents.. Without planning, we had 15 for dinner. It was really fun .

and that my friends … was it for the day.. like I said, pleasantly devoid of excitement..  Oh wait. I did ger one  important thing done in the last 24 hours.. I updated my Facebook profile picture.. Whatcha think ?

Nite all. nite Sam
