Tag Archives: i seem to be a page

Sunday afternoon – i seem to be a page


Those reading this post probably know that I ran into a snag with Facebook on Thursday. I it 5000 Facebook friends .. and that’s the limit a private person can have on their profile. They’ve suggested that i  move my profile to a ‘Page’ like a company has.. As I mentioned a couple of days ago you have to tell them what kind of entity you are (animal, vegetable, mineral).. but none match my image of myself. One good suggestion came from my friend Dave.. he suggested I go for ‘teacher’ .. I used that because that’s what I one day aspire to be.

I spent the afternoon trying to make this conversion work.. it seems your profile pic is the only thing that is preserved in the conversion. You have to re-upload all your pictures and videos.. All comments and stuff go away (though I have them backed up).. and all your old friends get turned into ‘likes’ .. I’m really worried that I’m going to get lost in the process and folks won’t be able to find me anymore.. but still this is better than ‘unfriending’  people, I think. I started to go through to see if I could remove some folks from the list.. and couldn’t bring myself to do it.  My connections are so important to me..

We’ll see how this goes.. it may take me a few days to get my blog postings back on facebook,. etc. In the mean time, please let me know if you’re seeing the new Facebook page.. it’s here http://www.facebook.com/johncohnvt in case you cant find it.


wish me luck

nite all, nite sam
