Tag Archives: Icarus

Saturday night – icarus

Just back from the Icarus burn at friend Chris’s.. and it was my favorite ever.. !  My only job on this one was to bring my flamethrower.. which I happily did. I dropped it by mid afternoon..


then went home annd went ou with , gabe, max, jak, and diane to have d a little pre-burn sushi



We got to chris’s just after 8.. the guys were still rigging icarus up with fireworks..



Once again Chris had built a thing of of beauty. Icarus was about  15 feelt tall and standing on one strong leg. his wings were held together by cannon fuse and his body was full of fireworks.   The idea is that as the fuse burned , his feathers would fall just as in greek myth, the character Icarus’s feathers started to fall off when he flew near the son/ That icarus’s wings were fashioned for him by his father.. the great ‘artificer’ Deadilus.. a man I’ve always fet a great affinity for. He was a wizard and magician.. IMG_0921 IMG_0923


here are our hosts kim and chris.. IMG_0925



along with their friends shane and amber .. who are flame dancers from Connecticut (and really nice people !) IMG_0927


Here are the four of us from burning man: chris, homer, dave and iIMG_0930


some last explosive rigging..



wouldn’t be complete without a samstone !IMG_0943


when it got sark. out came shane and amber. They did a wonderful set of fire poi staffs, fire hips and fire eating. it was fluid and beitiful !IMG_0952 IMG_0967 IMG_0985 IMG_0987 IMG_0988 IMG_1004 IMG_1011


Their routine ended with both of them blowing fire on Icarus to set him alight !!! it was incredible .. IMG_1016


Then up he went.. first a little, then alot !IMG_1026 IMG_1034 IMG_1038 IMG_1046 IMG_1049 IMG_1058 IMG_1063 IMG_1064 IMG_1070 IMG_1081 IMG_1088


a very appreciative crowd looked on.. IMG_1097 IMG_1108 IMG_1111

Just when it looked like things were dying down. an magnesium engine block that Homer had put into the fire caught fire and bathed everything in a searing white ligt for nearly 20 minutes.. it was so crazy!

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as things queted with teh fire, shancene and amber came out and did a few tricks.. then max stepped up and tried the staff.. He was outstanding !.. he looked like a pro !!!  i was really proud of him !IMG_1129 IMG_1133 IMG_1142 IMG_1146 IMG_1152 IMG_1156 IMG_1175


i took a few more shote of the flame thrower before we all called it a night.. IMG_1181 IMG_1183


Later on i had a great conversation wiht Shane about life, fire and everything else.. he taught me a good trick.. when someone says “I can’t do X”.. invite them to add the work ‘yet’ onto the end..

ie. I cant do fire poi”   translates to .. “I can’t do fire poi yet ?”  there’s always time to learn !


and he let me play with fire baton’s.. how cool is that ?!?!?

what a great evening..!


nowI”m too sleepy to keep typing.. so more from here tomorrow..

nite all, nite sam
