Tag Archives: leap of faith

WEdnesday night – Leap of faith…

Happy Leap day everyone !,It’s a free day.. a bonus day really. I spent my bonus day working with a bunch ofyoung workers from all over the country.. Not a bad way to spend it.. When you think of it, it’s quite remarkable that soemthing as esoteric as the earths track through space and around its own axis  would cause us to make such an unscheduled stop on he track of tick marks on our calender. Actually.. when you think about it.. Leap year must be hell on computers programs .. like a mini Y2K of special code with bugs

if (day == leapYear) {

insert bug here

} else {


Even things like nursery rhymes break down..

Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November;
February has twenty eight alone
All the rest have thirty-one
Except in Leap Year, that’s the time
When February’s Days are twenty-nine

Or as I always learned it…

Thirty days hath September,
April, June and no wonder;
All the rest have peanut butter
Except Grandma , she rides a bike


Ahh.. my flight is going to board.. Hope you’ve had a extra day !

good leap-nite everyone, good leap-nite Sam



ps. i love seeing Billy’s invention on every magazine rack in the country !