Tag Archives: life imitates science

Wednesday night – life imitates science

5 different people approached me today with weird science questions.. most were friends.. but others were folks i didn’t know. When friend M. asked me one of these questions (about electric fields and viruses.. pretty cool )   I asked him.. ‘why me’ .. Now this is a guy I’ve known for a while through work.. but we have never met face to face as he lives in Europe.   His answer was that I look like a scientist :-).   I thought about that for awhile..   and realized that it’s funny.. the goofier I look , teh more like a scientist I feel.. it’s like the way I look is influencing the way I act and .. i suspect visa versa.. Folks say art imitates life and life imitates art. I’d have to say  science imitates life and life imitates science ..

Oh.. the debate is on.. I gotta sign off..   more tomorrow !


nite all, nite sam
