Tag Archives: life is what you spend it on

Thursday night – life is what you spend it on

I ended up driving down to NY today to prep for  a meeting tomorrow. Turns out that was much more restorative that waking up at 4 and trying to catch a plane. I spent the time driving just sitting quietly and thinking.. also checked  in with a few trusted friends . I’m trying to gather wisdom for some small life adjustments.. nothing major.. just trying to bring more play back into my life as advertised.

An interesting thing happened. I was listening to the radio and a song came on by a friend of mine’s band. ..    .. i didn’t know the song well .. but it made me really  happy to hear. .. upbeat.. fun.. alive. There was a line in that song that went “life is what you spend it on”. I just loved that line.. and thought about it for a couple of hours.. Tha’ts just  so true..

now many hours later ‘m looking for the lyrics of the song.. and cant find it.. either I miss-heard.. or I made it up.. but either way, it was the line i wanted and needed to hear !.. My big thanks to the universe and friend for making up a song just for me..  and sending it out in the cosmos for me to hear just that moment.. It was just what i needed

nite all, nite sam
