Tag Archives: looking for trouble

Tuesday night – Looking for trouble..

Today I was speaking with my freind Scott at work.. In the course of trying to untangle a particularly thorny political problem he shared with me a quote from his Grandmother.. She used to say.. “don’t go looking for trouble.. trouble  will find you”.  In this case.. he meant that it would be best to wait for the hornets nest to come to us.. rather than to kick it and see what comes out (sorry to mix metaphors )

I thought about that bit of wisdom all afternoon. I’ve been really stewing about finding the ‘next big thing’  that I am supposed to do.. I am going through life these days with the feeling that  I’m supposed to be doing something ‘bigger’ and more important .. something that matters more in the world  than working at a big company. . The funny thing is.. over the past several weeks I’ve been getting a quite different message from the universe..  not that I shouldn’t be thinking bigger.. but that I shouldn’t be trying so hard to find it.. it will find me….

sounds like trouble.. no 🙂

nte all, nite sam


Ps.. I mentioned above that the universe is sending me consistent messages about where I am now.. . just  before I hit ‘post’ on the above entry.. I got the following note from Diane.. She follows this guy’s blog called Heron Dance.  Every day he posts one of his watercolors and a thought. She sent his post today to me .. Today it included a short poem by Wendell Berry

The Real Work

It may be that when we no longer know what to do
we have come to our real work,
and that when we no longer know which way to go
we have come to our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.

– Wendell Berry, Collected Poems