Tag Archives: metal

Saturday night – metal

in the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working on doing more and talking less… I’ve been clicking off a bunch of hands on projects that have been in the back of my mind gathering dust.. I’ve also been taking on some new stuff that I know I can get done in short order .. Deb and Diane are designing on some tables that will be made from some slices we took out of a big maple that we had to take down a few years back. Last week they bought me a bunch of steel to use to fashion the legs..

This morning Gabe and I worked to cut the 2×1 tubular steel and start welding the boxes that will be the legs. It was really fun working with Gabe.. he’s a very good craftsman..


Gabe did most of the cutting. once all the pieces were cut.. we ground them down and trued them up.

then it was time to weld. Gabe and I both took a few practice runs to get the welder dialed in.

here’s gabe griding down one of his test pieces..

one down 3 to go tomorrow..

tonight a bunch of us went to an art show at Heron Dance.. Heron Dance isrun by Rod MacIver.. an artist and writer in Monkton. he does very interesting work.. he sends out a near daily newsletter with his watercolors and his journal entries. Diane occasionally sends me one.. I’ve found several of them quite profound.  The show was nice.. I liked the art and enjoyed speakign with Rod and his guests..

Afterwords, we all went back to Jen and Tim’s for dinner and SamStones making.. It always feels good to come together to make stones for Sam.

ok.. now to bed.. I need to gt up early to finsh the welding.. More tomorrow

nite all, nite sam
