Tag Archives: mileage

Tuesday night – mileage

Greetings from Max’s boat.. I’m down here for a very few hours before a meeting tomorrow in Westchester.

I enjoyed the drive down.. spent the time working.. took a break to celebrate the ‘birthday’ of our faithful prius.. it turned 180,000 miles around Randolph VT.. I stopped the car and gave it a seltzer toast.. (that’s all I had in the car).. That’s quite a milestone


Great sunset as I came into town (Men in black.. remember >)


Then picked up max and helped him and freinds do soem planning dfor soem lighting that they’re doing in a bar.. Very cool climbing around on girders with blinky things..


Now back at the bolt waiting for max to come back..

I saw this.. the Occupied Wallstreet Journal.. Max’s been down at the protest filming on and off.. Interesting times, these..


Ok.. laptop batteries going.. better sign off..

more tomorrow.

nite all, nite sam
